
Can You Fix My H-E-A-R-T?

I have a new friend.

And his name is Holter.

Holter goes everywhere with me...at least for the next 24 hours. You can say we are like peas and carrots, PB&J, Siskel and Ebert.

I heart him.


Ashley Majorek said...

Nice to meet you Holter.

L hope you are doing ok, we know all to well about hearts in this household :o)

The Richardson's said...

What the heck is wrong with you???

You are too young for heart issues! I hope everything is okay. Now that you are done with school let's hang!!

Bekka said...

I think you are officially setting your first trend. Fall 2010 anyone?

dalisinere said...

what the heck is going on? I feel like I'm way out of the loop.

Lauren said...

I've been having heart palpitations, so I'm hooked up to a monitor so they can figure out what is causing it.