
You Can't Always Get What You Want

My birthday is coming up in under a month. Usually when I’m asked what I want for my birthday, panic sets in, my eyes gloss over and I turn comatose. It’s a lot of pressure creating a birthday wish list. Do I ask for the practical gift or the selfish gift? Need or want? Alas, what follows is my uninhibited birthday wish list; complete and utter selfishness sprinkled with a dash of materialism.

Let us start with a few clothing items…

Next we move on to some shoesies...


(Although, I have no idea how I would wear this)

It's a headband, people.

A girl can never have enough aprons.

Or watches?

This is the sit-with-your-eyes-not-your-bum chair that goes in the living room-you-look-at-but-don't-use.

I can probably make something like this.

The garage accessory...

And finally to balance out all my selfish commercialism...

World peace.



After a lot of hard work...I am proud to show you my resume. This is what I will be sending out to the many stations across the country. Enjoy and let me know what you think of it!

Baldo Besich Multimedia Journalist Resume from Baldo Besich on Vimeo.


"For love? For love? Eff love."

This goes out to my Sister-in-law, and I will send a little of this out to my cousin Charlie.