
And then my baby turned one

And I was all “wasn’tityesterdayIhadtositonablowupdonutbecauseIjustgavebirth?”  It’s happening.  My little baby is no longer a little baby.  I understand I haven’t been very present here on the ‘ole blog since Rokito’s birth, which contradicts the typical flourish a blog experiences once the new baby joins a family, but I guess you can say I march to the beat of my own drum.  I’m terrible at multi-tasking.  Juggling teaching, grad school, mother and wife hood has been a learning experience.  I took a little longer than expected to feel “normal again,” but I think becoming a mom forever altered my definition of normal.

My new normal is a 7:00 am alarm clock full of giggles and smiles.  My new normal is Cheerios at church.  My new normal is going to bed fully expecting a late-night rendezvous.  My new normal is planning errands around nap time, bubbly bath times, outlet covers, and family walks.  My new normal is mommy.Cheers to our new normal, and may we have the blessing of many more!

Happy Birthday Roko!


Six Years Later

Six years later I still remember the nervous sweats I had as my airplane landed on the tarmac at Sky Harbor airport.  I hadn't seen my family in eighteen months.   Okay, if I'm going to be honest I'm sure I saw some member of my family a few months prior on the Square, but this was the first time I'd been home in a year and a half.  I called Tempe Square my home for those eighteen months, and I learned more life lessons during that short time than in my previous 21 years of living.  Six years ago I stepped off an airplane a new woman, unsure of how this new woman would adapt to this strange place I used to call home.

Since that February morning in 2007 that new woman graduated from college, married her soul mate, and birthed a beautiful baby boy.  I love being that new woman, and I owe much of my identity to those lesson I learned in eighteen months.

I learned that sometimes there is a greater power gently prodding us towards experiences that will make us better.  I call this greater power God.

I learned that it's possible to be homesick for heaven.  Even if I don't remember what it was like, there were moments when I felt a distinct ache to be there again.

I learned that it's okay to be scared.  When I was scared I made it a point to say a prayer, and afterwards I felt a little braver.

I experienced a heavy heartache previously uncharted by my little ticker.  I imagine it's the type of heartache God feels when his children hurt, or hurt others. 

I learned that what I want to happen isn't always what God wants to happen. 

I learned how to talk to strangers about ANYTHING.

I learned that miracles happen every. single. day.

I learned how to love people even when it's hard to love them.

I learned that I can do hard things.

I deepened my testimony of Jesus Christ.  He lives.

I learned to see people as my brothers and sisters.  Looking at them through this lens instantly changes your perspective.

I learned that it is always better to obey the commandments.

I learned how to tune out the world.

I learned how to grocery shop for myself.

I learned the consequence of not following the spirit.

I caught a glimpse of how wonderful eternity will be.

I learned how to strengthen my testimony.

I learned that deciding to serve a mission was one of the smartest things I've done.