
When Family Comes to Town

When family comes to town we play all day, e'ery day.  This summer was no exception.  On their final night in town we got a lil' crazy and Bean Boozled it up.
I present to you my very first video production sans help from Baldo.  I'm an amateur, but I'm proud.  Daneen, hopefully you'll make it down next summer.


Mid-Year's Resolutions

I came to the realization that I am a commitment-phobe.  I start so many projects, set so many goals, and rarely see them through.  I live by the mantra "Hakuna Matata," but to a fault, and have even shed tears about my nonchalant attitude.  Michael Jackson said it best: make that change.  It's time to face the {wo}man in the mirror and do the dang thang.

I'm going to start with the proverbial baby steps and track my progress for the next month.

 Cheers to a commitment-filled second half of 2012. 


By Small and Simple Things

Dear Baby B,

Tonight while you were nursing I didn't turn on the TV, I didn't play with my phone, and I didn't pick up my book.  I simply wanted to hold you and try to embed that moment into my memory.  One day you will be too big to nestle in the crook of my arm.  You won't cling to my shirt and stroke my side as you fill your little tummy.  One day you won't sleepily dangle from my shoulder as I walk you into your room.  One day I won't be able to protect you from experiences that will make you cry.  But I will always be there to wipe your tears, give you a hug, and whisper "I love you" into your little ear.


Ain't no 'cation like a VAY-cation

 I've been looking forward to the annual Higgins Encinitas trip ever since ever since.  This year brought a new twist...a baby named Roko.  Is there any better way to kick-start a young life than a trip to the beach?  Roko says no.
I love that mug.
He rolled in style through the airport,
and rocked his first airplane ride (which isn't hard to do when the flight is only 50 minutes).  One day when I'm a gazillionaire I will only fly to vacation destinations.
No Encinitas trip is complete without an in-room juice bar- who the heck wouldn't buy a butt-load of juice when it is 10 for $10?
Best thing about waking up in California?  When you walk outside it isn't over 100 degrees.  #LoveLongSleevesDuringTheSummer #BaldoSaidSomethingGrossAboutMenSweatingDownThere
If you are going to hit the beach and relax all cool...you got to be able to check out the ladies without being caught.  Roko sports the baby blue blockers, boiii!
When is the last time you were able to soak up the sun, catch some sick waves and watch a real-life episode of cops?  This dude got the "Stone Cold Stunner" right in front of us.  When asked if he could smell what the cops where cooking - he responded with moist sand.

We tickled our taste buds at Taste of Thai for the third year in a row.  Tradition is the name of our game.  I'm pretty sure I was Thai princess in a former life.
This was the first of many stops to the frozen yogurt joint
A motley crew of beach bums.  Obviously someone doesn't know the rules about showing his midriff.  #ModestIsHottest
 The stromboli that never was. #ThereGoesYourTip
(The calzone was still delicious)
Readers, let me introduce you to the bacon donut- the fluffy, mapley, gooey, salty, sweet, make-my-lock-jaw-hurt piece of heaven.  #WhatSwimsuit?
  Let's be honest: a good chunk of our meals are planned around joints we see on Divers Drive-Ins and Dives.  We've been hitting up Hodad's for three or four years now.  Sadly, I boxed most of this because I spent most of the time feeding someone else *cough, Roko, cough*.
 I'll let the rest of the pictures speak for themselves:

Goodbye, Encinitas.  See you next year.

P.S. My man got some music video-making skillz.  Check it:

Crash My House


But Mom....

What do you mean it's time for a nap?