
By Small and Simple Things

Dear Baby B,

Tonight while you were nursing I didn't turn on the TV, I didn't play with my phone, and I didn't pick up my book.  I simply wanted to hold you and try to embed that moment into my memory.  One day you will be too big to nestle in the crook of my arm.  You won't cling to my shirt and stroke my side as you fill your little tummy.  One day you won't sleepily dangle from my shoulder as I walk you into your room.  One day I won't be able to protect you from experiences that will make you cry.  But I will always be there to wipe your tears, give you a hug, and whisper "I love you" into your little ear.


1 comment:

RHulsey said...

Aww, I just weaned Cooper, so this just made me choke up.