
The Sun Will Come Out, Tomorrow

"Tooooooooomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow,
you're always a day awaaaaaaay!"

Folks, I'm happier than a little red-headed orphan right now. 2:45 tomorrow afternoon marks the beginning of the glory us teachers know as Christmas break.



Rock on.

My plans are a-brewing: Cooking, baking, lounging, planting, SLEEPING, shopping, beaching, snorkeling, tanning, laughing, Just-Dancing, reading, EATING, scootering, movie-watching...need I go on?

Life is good.


The Richardson's said...

I am jealous!!! That is one of the main complaints I have with this whole Mommy job...no fall break, no winter break, no spring break, no summer break...oh yeah. No breaks ever!!!

I miss counting down the days until freedom and relaxation!! Be extra lazy for me...sleep in an extra few minutes and do some fun alone time things. It won't be long until you don't have breaks too...


dalisinere said...

Seriously your blogging makes me laugh! I read them aloud to Dave and he laughs too. My winter break started today at 4:00. Wahoo! Miss you!

miss chaz. said...


P.s your card = made my day

Ashley Majorek said...

Well deserved my friend, well deserved!

Have a great break!!